
Recently I had the opportunity to spend almost two weeks at a women’s retreat. A home specifically for women who need a little respite. A place to put our feet up, be waited on and do as we please at our leisure, not having to worry about anyone else but ourselves and our own self care.

It’s such an interesting concept to throw a bunch of women, who are strangers to one another, into a home that's not theirs with which they are not to lift a finger other than to perhaps, hand wash their delicates. The only set thing in the day are the meal times. Of which you can choose to participate in or not. It’s almost like living in a hostel for all you travellers out there that know what I’m talking about. But much cleaner and more respectful.

And let’s face it, women can be assholes. We are often a hard bunch to mix and match. But for whatever reason, this place just works. Perhaps it’s because we are ultimately all here for the same reason. We may come from all walks of life and from backgrounds unknown, but our challenges all seem to be the same. And our personal missions and goals are more similar than maybe we even care to admit.

From a very young age, men are told to be strong, to be tough, and not to cry. And we are learning more and more about how these conceptions have been a lending hand for men when it comes to struggles with mental health. Because they are told to keep quiet and if they have any issues to just deal with them on their own. And in doing so, they have learned, very extensively, to internalise.

Whereas with us women, we are known to show our affections. To be more open with our words and emotions behind them. However that leads us to a life of also just dealing with things, the best way we know how. Which can also often lead to issues with mental health and falling into the darkness. We tend to become the, “mother, the cop, the care taker”, but in doing so we loose, ”the daughter, the friend, the wife.” And we take on the role of, “who am I?”

We all, in some way or another, need to learn how to be kind to ourselves. To take the time to show ourselves the type of kindness we show and do for others. WE forget that in order to be the greatest version of ourselves for the benefit of others, we need to firstly do that for us, for the benefit of ourselves. It seems as though we need to dig deeper to allow self love to be the forefront of our lives.

Our minds thoughts become blurred lines. And those blurred lines then become poor habits. And before we know it, we are drowning in some pool of sorrow, be it shallow or deep. That all depends on how far we let ourselves fall and how far down “our” bottom really is. Being mindful and present seem like a chore or perhaps even work. You hear yourself saying, “I don't have time for that!” All those small things you used to find such joy in when you were a younger version of yourself, seem so distant, that you have almost allowed yourself to loose those memories.

Which leads us to forget that those memories and moments, were the channels used to create who we have become today. At our deepest of deep and our core of cores, our soul is still our internal compass. Why is it that we let that become so lost in time. We often forget how to read our own, “north south east west”. Is it the fear that we will let others down? Is it because we will feel bad or hold incredibly heavy guilt for staying true to our own beliefs and the systems behind them? Is it a shield that we hide behind, because at the surface of it, we really have no clue what we want to do with or for ourselves because we have managed to let any sense of self wants and needs, slip from our fingertips.

In any rate, we as women are such amazing creatures. WE have the strength and determination to over come even our own worst nightmares. We can find the deep when at times it seems we are already at the deepest we can go. There is such a strong endurance in us that surpasses even our beliefs. Where does that come from? Is it just inbred in our genetics? It can’t be, because I can tell you, that being part of this amazing blessing and gift of coming to this retreat, has proven, that ladies, from all different walks of life, all share the same story.

Sure we are all on our own journeys and for different reasons, but it all circles back around to the same thing. We are superwomen, in our own rights. WE all shed tears, feel pain, experience frustration and exhaustion. We have all come here feeling like we are clawing our way up the steepest of mountains. We have come here, maybe not so much for answers, but quite simply, clarity. And the break from everyday life, that doesn't allow for clarity to shine as brightly as it should.

We know that we deserve this time to ourselves. To remove ourselves - PERIOD. And in this time, on these paths, they have all managed to come together to form one amazing road. The road back to our lives that mean so much, to our husbands, partners, families and friends. To work or not to work. It’s up to us, to think about what we have learned and remember just how amazing we are as individuals and what we bring to our own lives.

To remind ourselves that we may be resilient, we may be strong, but we are human, and we come first. Because if we don’t, our world won’t crash around us, our loved ones will still love us, work will continue on without us, but if we loose who we are, what are WE left with???

So in the closing days of this amazing self journey we have all been on, we can all sit here knowing that we are in one way or another, triumphant in the glory of which we are plain and simply- AMAZING WOMEN!!! And this has been a pause in time that has helped to lead us to the victory of our own presence in this phenomenal thing we call life!


Thank you!


Has Having The Big "C" Changed My Life?


     Has having cancer changed my outlook on life? This is a question or even assumption that I often get. And I can very confidently say the answer to that is , NO! 

I loved my life before cancer and I love it just the same after. I know that I'm lucky to wake up everyday and create the best life I can with the best memories and moments to cherish. It didn't take having cancer to help me realise that. However, I can see how it could effect others in a different sort of way. 

It's not an easy thing to have said to you. That dreaded phone call from an oncology staff member, who firstly asks if you’re alone and if you’re sitting, before giving you what could possibly be the worst news of your life. The fact that it all feels so scarily foreign and extreme is enough to send your emotions into overdrive, both physically and emotionally. Not to mention your loved ones. How the hell are you going to break the news to them? And you know that your loved ones often are more affected by it all then the actual cancer patient. The helpless and hopeless feelings are something that can often be shared by both sides.

As the patient, I made sure to take the time I needed to work through my thoughts and emotions on my own. I can honestly say I have only shed tears twice over this horrendous illness, and both times were in the shower. I let it out, got my shit together and moved on. I did my research, I listened, and I used my brain to work through what I needed, to be as strong mind and body as I could be. And to this day, I don't let it define me as a person. I'm not the daughter, sister, aunt, wife or friend that has had the "BIG C". I'm Shannon. And there was never a doubt in my mind that I wouldn't beat the shit outta this! 

I'm still full of "piss and vinegar", as my folks would say. I have big hair and don't care. I'm chatty and outgoing. I love my family and friends more than they could ever even know. And my heart is huge! Cancer for sure came at the worst time, but would there have ever been a good time?! NO!!! So I just did my best with what I had, that was my own strength, and the love and support from loved ones near and far.

The word "CANCER", wasn't easy to hear. That was the first cry in the shower. My mind went to the place of, "what's next?” As much as I personally of course thought about myself, all I could think about was the fact that my poor family is in another country and this is going to be so hard for them. That my poor husband is going to hit an all time low with his depression. And what was even more important to me was, “ what was and still is the best way to work through my thoughts and feelings so they don’t take over my life?” Because for those of us cancer patients and survivors, we often feel like cancer has taken over our lives. But I choose to look at it as though, my life has been made to yield for a while.

I don't ever want to have a defeatist attitude towards things. Especially towards having cancer. If I gave in to all the negative emotions and attitudes, then I would feel anger. And to me, that is a wasted emotion. I can’t change the fact that I had cancer. I can’t change the fact that I now have a substantial scar running horizontally down my stomach. I can’t change the fact that I knew there wasn't going to be one part of this that's easy. For me, or anyone who loves me. But what I did know, was that I am strong in mind and soul. That no matter how painful, how tender, how bruised and beaten I felt inside and out, that I was surrounded by people who cared for me. And that I also had my own back.

Having cancer and going on this incredible journey of something so unknown, hasn't made me think about my life in that I should be living in every moment, because I always have. I have always loved truly, madly and deeply. I never take things for granted. I’m a great daughter, friend and wife. I have always chosen to live my life the way I wanted to live it. And if having cancer has taught me anything, it has taught me not to change my life and the way I live it, but to also not feel guilty for the decisions or choices I make. To say my piece, go through my emotions, and then leave them there.

We have this one incredible life that has been given to us, in one way or the other. It’s our right as it’s individual owner to take care of it. To breath life in and out of it, and let those shoulders drop. Cancer isn't easy. It sucks, BIG TIME!!! But I believe that through all the hardships we may see ourselves in at any given time, we owe it to ourselves to fight back. To be as strong minded as we can. And to feel, cry, scream, laugh, smile, and just BE. The fact is that we are all going to die one day, and some of us may be taken too soon. This is a very sad reality. But in the meantime, recovery from cancer for me, has taught me that I’m doing alright, that I always have, and nothing will stop me from thinking one step at a time, one day at a time. I have made some amazing memories in my life and I know I will make many more.

So no, having cancer hasn't changed my life, it’s simply just reassured me that the life I have is pretty damn special, because I created it’s value!




Sleep Deprived

     So guys, let me lighten the mood here a little and tell you all about my sleep deprivation. 

Do any of you have a husband or partner that snores??? You do.....Isn't it HELL!!!


Who wants to sleep on the couch or in a different room than your partner? I don't. I long for the days of a slight deep breathing partner next to me. And sure, my husband has snored since the first night we spent together. But I SWEAR to you, it's like its getting worse! If that's possible!! 

And my husband genuinely feels so bad, and guilty for the lack of sleep that I get. He has tried the sleep apnea clinic, and either they had bad hearing or were on serious drugs because they claimed he is fine. Um hey clinic peeps, try to sleep next to my husband for a night and tell me he doesn't have an issues with his sleeping ways!!!

It makes me laugh when people say "I have kids, therefore I will never truly sleep for the rest of my life". And my response is," yeah me too! I may not have kids but let me tell ya, at least even with kids, you eventually get a break. You get a couple hours of being so tired that when you're baby sleeps, you sleep. But it's not like that when you have a person snoring next to you. There is NO BREAK!"

He is going to kill me!!  LOL

He is going to kill me!!  LOL

And the sounds!! I mean, I have tried to play the didgeridoo, and from what I know it requires circular breathing. It's not an easy thing to do. But the sounds that come out of my husband are seriously IMPRESSIVE! I'm talking, move over digeridoo players- my husbands amazing talents of , what seems like, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth all at the same time, are a  "special" non rhythmical sound that could scare a person out of a dark alley!  I mean people pay good money when producing movies, for these types of sounds!

And do you know what really annoys me, when people say, "well why don't you wear earplugs Shannon?". Are these assholes for real when they say this to me?! Why should I have to, on top of the steam roller racket next to me, wear a pair of extremely uncomfortable earplugs, that trades people don't even want to wear!  My problem is the snoring! My problem is not that I have super sensitive bat like ears. Which brings me to my husband telling me that I'm such a light sleeper that I could hear a mosquito fart! And maybe I can, but the mac truck that lays beside me at night is a far cry from the light puff of what I would assume a mosquitos fart to be like. 

Now I love my bits! And just to be serious for a moment, I know that the snoring isn't healthy for him either. There is in no way, shape or form that he could be A) getting enough sleep, because B) he can't possibly be getting enough oxygen to his brain through all the breath holding, twitching and long length snores. SO, for now, I'll put up with the fish flopping, deep breathing and sounds that I'm sure can be hear by deaf dogs miles away. And even though the odd night on the couch or in a spare bed gives me some solitude, I love my husband and want to be in the same bed as him. I know there will be a day that will come when we can't wait to go to our separate beds, but until then, I'll take as much of the snoring as I can get.


Until I smother him in his sleep that is!

Just kidding! :)