Did you know that CHANGE is the new black??? Oh yeah it is!
I wanted to write this blog because I think “change” or “changing”, gets a bad rap! Therefore those of us that are going through any sort of change in life get hassled. News flash! We are all going to change in one way or the other. It’s part of life. We are supposed to live, learn, and then grow from the experiences of our OWN lives. And that’s what helps to mould us into the person we are meant to become.
I can’t stand it when people TELL me how I am thinking or feeling. It’s not fair. It doesn’t come across as a caring thought or intention, instead it comes across as a sort of “know it all”, or “pointing the finger” attitude. Not acceptable. And much like when someone starts yelling, I stop listening! We will all have our points of view, and they are just opinions, not fact. If we didn’t have those, life’s conversations would be pretty boring.
From the time we are born, we are at the mercy of our parents/ family, or whoever has the privledge of raising us. And those people do their best to teach us right from wrong, and instill in us all the great traits we need to hopefully one day be a good person, who will then follow our own set of rules to become a GREAT person.
But then…life happens. And by that I mean, we as individuals decide what is best for US. We travel and explore life in ways that not everyone else is going to agree with. We work at jobs that perhaps are less desireable or seen as not being good enough for us. But it’s whatever pays the bills in your mind. We may date people that not everyone thinks are good for us, and they may be right, but that’s your mistake to make. And if it is a mistake, believe that you were learn from it. That person was in your life for a reason, and it will make a difference one day.
Life is what helps to shape us and open up the roads that will lead towards exciting new adventures. Be it good or bad, its all learning and that is the point! We will make mistakes, we will fall down, scrap our knees. We will do things that some or many people won’t agree with. But too bad for them. Their choices are theirs. Not yours. And the same is reversed.
What I do know, is that we will NEVER make everyone else happy. And like the saying goes, “it’s none of our business what other people think of us”…So just do you! Like I used to be the life of the party ( which really meant that I was young enough and had the energy to stay up late and drink too much, both of which I can not do now). I went to school for massage therapy and got my certification, and did that for many years. But because I then wanted a break, I worked in clubs/pubs/ and bars for many years. And I can confidently say, I was good at it. Working in that type of atmosphere with it’s long hours and hectic hustle vibe, really curbed my “go get em” attitude! But it didn’t do great things for my sleep patterns ( which I now still struggle to get right), or my family/dating life!
I chose to travel and live out of hostels and my backpack for years. I wanted to meet new people and spread my wings in terms of culture, food and spontaneity. I crave the energy and buzz of meeting new people and busy markets. I love going for drives and stopping into quirky little cafes or shops and talking to strangers. These are just a few things that help to fill my internal battery.
I have always been someone who “walks to the beat of my own drum”. I am a bit of a “black sheep” in my family as well. I got the travel bug in college and as soon as I graduated from Massage Therapy School, I was off. I love the sense of my own freedom, without rules and the impressions of others. And many of my decisions over the years, and to date, didn’t always make everyone else happy. But what has taken me the better part of my 20’s and early 30’s to realize, is that I don’t care that others don’t like some of my life decisions. They are mine to make. I’m not living my life for my family, friends, or even my husband. Just me!.
Here is where the change part comes in. Often times when we decide to pave our own path, those that aren’t perhaps used to doing things that sort of way, or choosing those options, see this as such a huge change. That at the root of it, your character will change as well. But for me that’s not the case. I am still the chatty, bubbly, outgoing, sarcastic, loving Shannon, that will always put others before myself. And over my life thus far, I have met some amazing human beings, and more times then not, they have become friends of mine, many of which I now consider as family. I have had and made many opportunities in which some of my personal and most valuable life lessons have helped to shape me into the woman I am today.
And yes, we do still walk through our lives with those mannerisms and quirks that we have learned from our parents. But over time, we add to those a plethora of other traits and qualities that we have learned along our own journey, that have encouraged us to “change” in certain ways. To perhaps make us a better person, friend, or partner.
I wanted to write this blog because we all see the world around us is evolving. And we can either choose to sit by and complain about the changes that are being made and find them to be overwhelming or unconventional. Or we can choose to accept those changes, and the people that are moving along with the times. Making their own footpath in the sands of this detailed thing we call life. Either way, go forward in your life and just do you. You are doing a great job, even if you have been told otherwise or have any self doubt. Know that the decisions you make have probably been very conscious ones, and they were made with intention.
Change is inevitable, its a good thing, embrace it.