This is "No Judgement Zone"!!! LOL
#1 - I HATE packing! I start out doing, what "I" think is a good job, but then I get bored and just can't seem to make decisions. And if it's a big trip or move that I'm packing for, I need company. I need a friend at least sitting with me. Now I say a friend, because my husband doesn't have the patience for my shitty packing skills, and he is too serious. So at least with a girlfriend, she will have a cocktail with me and while I'm doing my impromptu dress up montage, we will have a laugh!
#2 - I swear like a sailor. It's not something to be proud of, but I can honestly say, I'm not ashamed either. Now this isn't to say that I don't mind my tongue when I'm around other's that don't swear or I'm in public or around children. It's just I come by it honestly. I got it from my momma! So let's just stop there! Yeah, let's just blame my mother, cuz she'll love that shit! NOT!!! hahaha
#3 - I LOVE potato chips! Like LOVE!!! You know when people ask the question, "if you were stranded on an island and could only take one food with you what would it be?". Well my answer is chips! If I had to choose a flavor type, it would be "Lays Salt & Vinegar"...I can also say, it's the one thing that I don't like to share. ( p.s I did say this was a no judgement zone) PERIOD
#4 - I hate being shoved. Physically shoved I mean. I'm ok in a crowded space but once I get shoved, I start to loose my patience. And what's worse is being shoved without an apology for that shove. To me it's like holding the door for someone and they don't even say a simple, "Thank You".
#5 - I love children! I love their honesty, their little quirky attitudes, and their unapologetic behaviour ( even when it is naughty ). When people say there is such an innocence to kids, I don't agree. I feel like they are just being who they are, and being real. And that is something that, I for one, admire.
#6 - I love trash tv. And the reason for that, is because it's literally the only time I shut my brain off. I don't think about 100 things all at once and every other little side thought that would usually come with those thoughts. I just get so caught up in the drama of someone else's life that I can zone out of my own. Even for an hour!
#7 - If I could have lunch with one person living or dead, it would be Anthony Hopkins. Sure there are perhaps sexier male options out there to choose from, but I think there is something about Anthony Hopkins that is so intriguing. He is well spoken, and calm. And I could only imagine the stories and life lessons he would have to share. And to me, that is sexy!
#8 - I'm a wino! The only thing I like aside from wine is cider. But my preferred choice of alcoholic beverage would be wine. My taste buds have changed as well. I have a bit of a sweet tooth now, so I do enjoy a nice cold sweeter wine as well. I won't get into the actual types. They vary per season for me :)
#9 - My lesbian crush is ( aside from my bestie Beth-eh of course), Pink! I love her sexy self! And her "take me or leave me" attitude. There is a lot to be said about that!
And last but definitely not least...
#10 - MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC!!! I LOVE music!!! Of all types! Anything that I can move my body to, feel the beat in, and share with others,