Since moving to New Zealand a lot has happened in my personal life. Not all good, but also not all bad. And through all the tough stuff, I have always tried to see the light at the end of the hypothetical tunnel. However, that can be really hard to do. When you reach out to your best friends for some sort of advice that you hope in that moment, will be life changing, and all you get back is, " you'll be fine, one day at a time, things could always be worse". Some of those "words of wisdom" can just end up really pissing you off even more. And making you're already bad situation and shitty feelings, seem even worse. So in this comes a life lesson! At least for me.
Be kind to yourself. Life has a funny way of being, just that! Life! We can't always predict what's going to happen, where would the fun be in that?! There are the days that bring such happiness and joy in them, and then there are the days that you just want to stay at home and watch tv all day to escape your own life. And sometimes we need that. A sort of "mental health day". And I think that's fine, because you are listening to yourself and being kind to yourself.
I pride myself on paying attention to others and being a good judge of character. But in that, I have learned to do the same within myself. Since being in New Zealand, meeting new people and working with others, I have really taken notice of something interesting. I have noticed that kiwi's tend to put themselves and their needs and wants before others. And I mean that in the best way! I have also taken that on board as something I'd like to insert into my life and live a bit more by. I have had conversations about this with different people I know here in New Zealand, and most have agreed with me. I think there is something to be said for putting yourself first in a very unselfish way.
Canadians are very apologetic, and don't often say no to things. I am very guilty of being the "yes man", in previous jobs, relationships and with friends and family. But I have learned to be more kind to myself. And by doing that, I have learned to let things go that maybe I have been holding onto. Things that I can't change or that maybe weren't my fault to begin with. These things would make me feel unhealthy inside. Resulting in NOT being kind to myself. I have realized that it's ok to speak my mind and be firm in what I believe, because I know myself, very well, and I'm not a bad person. So it's ok not to take a job that I don't want. Or not take extra shifts, that will more than likely quickly become me saying "yes", to more overtime. Or to just allow myself to live the life that I want to live. The life that makes me happy inside and out.
Be kind to yourself. You've all you got!