Lockdown Limbo

Here we are, back in level 4 lockdown. Much like loosing ones virginity, it happened quick, and relatively pain free( depending who you ask I suppose). And also like loosing one’s virginity, there is only so much planning we all can do. So here we are, in some form of limbo, waiting for that daily report of what’s to come in our “lives” in the days looking forward. Lockdown isn’t easy for some, for many reasons, but I really enjoy lockdown. Truth be told, I feel like I needed this lockdown, and perhaps, you all needed yours too. I like to start my lockdown days by having my morning coffee outside on the deck( because now I have the time for that), and if it happens to be raining, I at the very least, open the door for the fresh morning air. There is nothing better then the peace and quiet over a morning coffee!( There has been construction happening next door to us for over a year now. I thought the Taj Mahal had already been built, but apparently not! So I’m loving being able to go outside in my nightgown and not feel like I need to have, what I call my straight jacket, of a bra on. Nor do I need to even worry about wearing my panties, that these days feel like they are made from a wet suit that is way too small for me. Rant over, sorry about that! LOL)

I am with the rest of the world in that financially, being in lockdown sucks …BIG TIME sucks. Not seeing friends and family… sucks. Not being able to travel overseas…sucks. Standing in long lines to get the bare necessities, signing in wherever you go…sucks. Having to wear a mask and breathing in your own stink breath…sucks. However, I also think that being forced to sit still, stop and relax, isn’t the worst thing that’s ever happened. It’s taken a pandemic to make us all take a step back from our routine, busy lives. And I like to think that we can be taking this time to just breath. Maybe sleep more, read more, walk more. Now we have the time without disruption and excuses. We can overcook, over eat( boy are we over eating, there is only so much housework I “want” to do guys:). And lets face it, who doesn’t want to catch up on some sleep. I know I do. This menopause is kicking my ass! There is no clock or set monotony to the day. Just wake up when it suits, eat when it suits, do something or nothing. Did I say eat?!


During lockdown I spend most of my time in my pajamas and robe, and I love it! There are the times that I take the dog for a walk and think it’s best to wear actual pants, but that’s only for the sheer decency of others. Although in saying that, always being in comfy pants is a real quick downward spiral, because you can’t keep track of your waist size when you’re wearing those suckers! Every morning I wake up with this lovely relaxed idea of my day. I’m not thinking about what I’m going to make for supper, because frankly, I don’t give a shit. Maybe I won’t even be cooking supper at all! Because my husband can also cook, and maybe that day it’s his turn, and he can’t say…”babe, I don’t know what’s for supper, I’ve had a long day and I’m tired”. Now we are on an even playing field…so there are no excuses! And I don’t have to feel bad for not “doing it all”.

I know that there are many moms and wives out there that are most likely feeling like they just want to escape the kids and husband. They must be thinking, “ please just let us all get back to it. To our daily routines of the kids going to school, my husband to work, and give me some bloody peace and quiet. “The being followed to the toilet, hearing the shrieking sound of “MAAAUUUUUM!!!” being said what must feel like every second of every day, the constant over flowing sink and counter top of dirty dishes, the laundry that you are swimming through down your hallways and scattered through every inch of the house. The husband that seems like he has forgotten all sense of what his “role” is and doesn’t see the need to help out around the house, especially now because he HAS the time. But instead sits on his ass, playing video games, watching endless movies and youtube videos, and complaining that everyone is getting on HIS nerves.


Isn’t it also interesting that during a lockdown we become so annoyed with our partners? The snapping at one another is like a fun new game! Only there is no winner, in fact the prize is a torture chamber, called “your house”. And those of us with pets that are used to being out and about, getting as much social interaction as our daily grind/ prison (again this is open to interpretation)allows for, becomes even more bored and less social. And you find yourself dreading the time you go for that walk around your neighborhood when you see another human or animal, and your once loving little pet has now become Scar, from The Lion King.

Lockdown is a weird one isn’t it?! I mean, of course we don’t all want to be shut ins and scurry around gathering groceries and the like, ignoring the human race all together, but I can’t help but thinking that it’s also a good thing in some ways. The first lockdown, for us, was also really great. It was a welcome break. And as tough as it was financially, it was so great to have that time home with my husband. Just us two. We don’t have family here in New Zealand, so while we missed everyone, the reality is, it truly is just us. We had time to get some things done around the house that otherwise have to wait for weekends, which are always too short. You spend your weekend doing jobs around the house and never get that much needed two days to mentally and physically shut down. And while we shouldn’t be waiting for the weekend to relax, that just seems to be reality. The weekdays are filled with outside work, eat, sleep, repeat. And where’s the fun in that?!!!

I choose to look at lockdown as a blessing in disguise, even though it really looks like a pandemic. Other than our Christmas break we don’t take much time to really decompress. I like to fill my lockdown days with funny games, lots of food, wine, naps, reading, writing, dog training/walking, light house work, creativity. and ALWAYS LOTS of laughter! And while it feels like lockdown is a state of limbo, I say embrace it. Spend the time with your bubble and be happy for this time. Be thankful for this time. Use this time to reconnect or connect on a deeper level, not just with your bubble peeps, but with yourself as well. Instead of thinking it’s all doom and gloom, remember that we’re in this together, and your together starts at home. Be glad that you have a place to hunker down and be surrounded by at least some or one of your loved ones. You’ve chosen them for a reason.


Lockdown doesn’t have to be all bad, instead turn the time you have in limbo into a fun game of limbo. Have fun with it, and make lasting memories that you’ll remember as “that time we had a pandemic and the whole world went into some form of lockdown, but we chose to see the positive light in that.” Not everything in life is fun and games, but it sure does help to stay positively playful!

Stay safe, be kind, and have fun! xx