When I was younger and obviously less sure of myself, it really got to me that even though I was nothing but nice, open, welcoming, and friendly to other women, they were still intimidated by me. Now at the time, I can say that I didn't realize it was intimidation that they were experiencing. I just thought less of myself and assumed I had done something wrong to make them treat me in such a shitty way. Then I would spend way too much time talking to friends about it, and thinking about it, only to give it more life than it deserved.
Now at this point in my life, I can honestly say that I always mean well and would NEVER, say or do anything intentionally to hurt another woman. There is nothing wrong with you wanting to put effort into dressing whatever way you like. Or wearing makeup that makes you feel good about yourself. Or being a chatty person and wanting to make others feel comfortable in what could be a potentially uncomfortable situation. We as women need to stick together. We need to be each other's backing force when one of us is weak. We know we are emotionally charged at all times and if cornered we'd scratch a bitches eyes out. But that doesn't mean we turn on one another. We should be supportive and want the best for one another. Now I know this is easier said then done to some, but ask yourself.....Is it really???
Why the need to treat another woman like shit? Because you then, in my eyes, will become less of a woman. Which is a real shame. And how does someone that treats another woman like shit, sleep with themselves at night? There is NOTHING wrong with just being YOU! We often hear that life is too short and the reason that saying floats through the world, is because it really is. So why not fill your life and heart with being a good person. And don't expect, what you don't deserve. If you're being an asshole to another person, and especially a woman (I'm not excluding men here, I'm just focusing on women at the moment), then expect to get that shitty treatment back. At some point, from someone.
So for the sake of all the amazing women out there, I beg of you... don't be a jerk and treat another amazing woman like shit! Period